Coffee Farm Experience Tour and Retreat (CoFET-Retreat), is intellectual innovation of the Africa Coffee Bureau (ACB), to advance a better connection and inter-networking among coffee farming communities, scientific research institutions, university innovation hubs and policy development centers in Africa and the United States, on the scarce and scattered coffee science for increased value chain sustainability.
CoFET-Retreat is adventure On-farm, farmer field schools, research institutions and universities innovation centers for a purpose of learning indigenous knowledge, novel scientific discoveries, nurture joint-collaborative research linkages and technology transfer within farmers, scientists, students, policy agents, investors and entrepreneurs.
CoFET-Retreat Theses:
Coffee remains a key economic driver for both producer and industrial nations. In fiscal year 2015 alone, coffee contributed to the United States GDP an estimated US$225‧2Bn ( and to AFRICA, it continues to be the primary source of income for 12 million households (
However, the coffee value chain is threatened by the escalating emergence and re-emergence of invasive species and erratic climate change. Therefore, knowledge sharing avenues and platforms towards value chain sustainability and genetic resources conservation is imperative.
ACB sustainability legislation, bets on innovations and schemes such as CoFET-Retreat.
To re-emphasize the need for CoFET-Retreat; in the UNIDO Director General’s inaugural speech at 19th Session of the UNIDO General Conference in Vienna, December 3, 2021; Gerd Müller observed “If we want to solve the global challenges of our time, we need global solidarity and a partnership-based cooperation between industrialized and developing countries” ( WTO reiterates the same, “to build more resilience, there is need for more international cooperation” (World Trade Report 2021: Economic Resilience and Trade).
CoFET-Retreat and Diaspora:
CoFET-Retreat is a key derivative of ACB, a pedigree of the diaspora. Diaspora is a recognized key stakeholder in bilateral and global affairs nexus (International Organization for Migration Report, 2013), CoFET-Retreat innovation inclusive. CoFET-Retreat in business sense; is a launch tower for collaborative linkage between Africa and H’awaii on coffee research agenda, intellectual capacity building and, joint-project funding resources mobilization.
Thus ACB, benchmarks CoFET-Retreat derived International Corporation as a crucial part in technical capacity development for a segment of African stakeholders towards coffee value chain sustainability.
ACB welcomes you to CoFET-Retreat.
Our services and opportunities:
- CoFET-Retreat associated events underway optimized with On-farm experience tours and learning, farmer field schools, science innovation centers-based tours and assorted intellectual networking.
- Short-term training courses on coffee development (attainable at Africa Coffee Bureau partner global centers of excellence).
- Mini-routine exhibitions, profiling of coffee based agricultural in-puts and value addition equipment and consumables; fertilizers, fungicides, insecticides, pulpers, parchment dries, coffee roasting machines.
- Mini coffee cup profiling events and matchmaking at strategic origin centers.
For trends and details:
- Up-coming events and short courses: visit our events page
- To discuss our packages and offerings, send inquiries to