AFRICA COFFEE BUREAU (ACB)   +1 (202) 746 6160

CoFET-Retreat (BIG ISLAND) Hawai’i USA 2025

“Welcome, welcome” …..

to CoFET-Retreat 2025 in Hilo, the BiG iSLAND, the has become known as the mini tropical continent in the  Pacific, is the peak of the undersea mountain ranges of the islands in the State of Hawai’i.

November 12th 15th 2025

  USDA, ARS, Daniel K. Inouye U.S. Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center 64 Nowelo Street Hilo, Hawai’i 96720 USA

In an archipelago of eight major volcanic islands in the North Pacific Ocean, is the largest island, the Hawai’i Island, the Big Island, also known as Hawai’i Island. The city of Hilo on the Eastern Bay of the Big Island was king Kamehameha’s royal capitol, and his first seat of government.

Therefore, choice of Hilo as a permanent seat for USDA – ARS Daniel K. Inouye U.S. Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center, and the host of the 3rd CoFET-Retreat is highly appreciating and adoring. The determination comes with a very significant landmark in the historic terms of the revolutionary struggles and concessions the led to the unification of the eight North Pacific Islands into the Hawaiian Royal Kingdom. In the picture is the Director of Research, and Scientists of Daniel K Inouye and; the Founder of African Coffee Bureau.

achieving the vision for CoFET-Retreat (Oahu iSLAND) Hawai’i, USA…….

CoFET-Retreat (Oahu iSLAND) Hawai’i, USA; is a coffee science innovations and technologies exchange enterprise, subsidiary to the Africa Coffee Bureau, parent company. The science exchange infrastructure was inaugurated in Oahu Island on June 13, 2022, at coffee science colloquium during the first CoFET-Retreat  hosted at the Hawai’i Agricultural Research Center (HARC); to pursue a joint research cooperation between AFRICA and Hawai’i. under the banner “CoFET-Retreat a Launch Tower for Coffee Research Collaboration Between Hawai’i and AFRICA”.  The science exchange idea basis is to forge synergies, partnerships and alliances in global scientific research. The four day long event will be full learning new developments in coffee, cocoa and horticultural commodities among others. Besides the traditional activities at CoFET Retreat will attract; I. Joint Hawai’i – AFRICA industry-wide competitive cup profiling experience.

  • Private auction of exclusive smallholder micro-lot coffee collections.

II. Farmer-Scientists-Business interface arena.

III. Graduate Student Forum (GSF).

IV. International workshop training courses.

CoFET-Retreat welcomes stakeholders in coffee, cocoa, sugarcane, horticultural commodities and integrated diversification enterprises, livestock and apiary inclusive. Welcome to Hilo to learn novel science trends, On-station/On-farm (farmer Field Schools) activities, Coffee Science Colloquium, GSF, trade, fun and more.  

Register to Attend

Online registration form containing (1 to 5):

Option 1

Account Name: Africa Coffee Bureau (ACB) Ltd
Account Number: 60088766094
Swift code:  BARCUGKX
Bank: absa Bank
Address: Plot 2 Hannington Road, Kampala, Uganda


Option 2

Account Name: Africa Coffee Bureau LLC
Account Number: 446054012705
Swift code:  BOFAUS3N
Bank: Bank of America
Address: 222 Broadway, New York, NY 10038

  3. Paypal code

4. Send deposit or international wire receipt to
5. Invitation letters and CoFET-Retreat program to be sent to the preferred e-mail by the client.
6. Hotel information reservation and international travel-flight arrangement and advise, write to
7.  Fully paid and registered delegates shall be listed and viewed publicly on our website sub-page for CoFET-Retreat BiG iSLAND invitees with assigned identification codes and first name.
                      Paypal, Debit/Credit Cards

Hotel and Travel Reservations:

Recommended and closest hotels to Daniel K Inouye US Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center

  1. SCP Hilo Hotel

126 Banyan Way Hilo, HI 96720

Tel: +1 (808) 935 0821



  1. Hilo Hawaiian Hotel

71 Banyan Drive Hilo, HI 96720

Tel:         +1 (808) 935 9361


  1. Grand Naniloa Resort

93 Banyan Drive Hilo, HI 96720

Tel:         +1 (808) 969 3333



Recommended Airlines especially from AFRICA to connections to Hilo International Airport (ITO) 

  1. Ethiopian Airlines (ET)


  1. Kenya Airways


  1. Hawaiian Airlines

  Note: for assistance in hotel and travel planning and reservations,            contact:


CoFET-Retreat (BiG Island) contacts:

Saleh Nakendo

CEO, CoFET-Retreat (BiG ISLAND) 2025


Tel:    (202) 746 6160


Dr. Tracie Matsumoto Brower

President, CoFET-Retreat (BiG ISLAND) 2025


Tel: (808) 959 4358


Contributing Institutions:

1. Hawai’i Agricultural Research Center

Kunia Research Station

94-340 Kunia Rd. Waipahu, HI 96797

Tel: (808) 621 1350

Fax: (808) 621 1399


2. USDA (Agricultural Research Services)

Daniel K Inouye U.S. Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center

64 Nowelo Street Hilo, HI 96720

Tel: (808) 932 2100

Fax: (808) 959 5470


3. University of Hawai’i at Mãnoa

College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources

St. John Plant Science Laboratory Room 102

3190 Maile Way, Honolulu, HI 96822

Tel: (808) 956 8351

Fax: (808) 956 3894


4. Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization

Coffee Research Institute

P.O Box 57811 City Square, Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: +254 722 206 986

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